• Our people, our most valuable capital


Operations Office

Grupo Aduanal Galván SC
Mexico City Airport Branch

Norte 192 No 640
Col Pensador Mexicano
Delegación Venustiano Carranza
México, DF 15510
Tel: (55) 2603-0555
Fax: (55) 2603-2303


In Grupo Aduanal Galvan through our import and export clearance of merchadise process, we efficiently solve your customs operations needs always assisted by valuable human resources, trained and committed to our customers.

The service we provide will adjust to your requirements, expectations and volume of operations, fulfilling our commitments is paramount to us and we understand that if you pay for an air freight it is a priority.


- Based on high technology and information development we offer:

  • Preparing customs entry declaration (pedimento) with no mistakes.
  • Through our online reporting system "information on demand" (ION), find the status of each of your shipments.
  • Elimination of expenses such as storage, delays and unjustified maneuvers
  • Transparency in each operation


  • Consumption import and export operations
  • Temporary IMMEX Operations
  • Special Operations (change in regime, regularization of merchandise, virtual operations)
  • Hand Carriers (cargo imports escorted by passenger)
  • Study and analysis of classification with non-tariff restrictions and regulations

last update February 1st, 2011