• Our people, our most valuable capital


Headquarters & Operations Office

Grupo Aduanal Galván SC

Arteaga 3701
Col Centro
Nuevo Laredo, Tamps 88000 México
Tel: (867) 712-0617
Fax: (867) 713-2207



Our organization is based in processes that are integrated into a certified system under the international quality standard ISO 9001:2000. The critical processes are those that directly affect the customs operation, among these are documentation and clearance.

It is very important that goods arrive at their destination on time, therefore the less amount of time they remain in the ports of entry or exit of the country the better, proper documentation of customs entry declaration (pedimento) and prompt and accurate attention in the clearance are crucial because an error in the pedimento at clearance could delay the merchandise for a longer time than what is acceptable.

Furthermore, once the merchandise has been cleared, the authority with its capacity to inspect transport, make home visits or review documents can cause headaches for our principals and probable fines if the pedimento is not properly documented.



Main activities of the Nuevo Laredo office

In importing, the Nuevo Laredo office is responsible for the two critical processes mentioned in the first paragraph: The pedimento documentation and customs clearance of goods. We are the area that "translates" the information of goods to the offical form "Pedimento".

We deal with clearance of merchandise at the Customshouse and make sure that the shipments of both the first and second inspection, are released on a daily basis in either case, currently we have a rate of 7% of annual customs inspections (red), as a result of proper presentation of the pedimento and its attachments.


In exporting, we handle the whole clearance process of export goods through an Export supervisor, Traffic coordinators and Traffic assistants who provide personal attention, an efficient service and who are always in the look out for excellence.


Special operations
Our Special Operations Department is responsible for: change in regime, adjustments, re shipments, virtual operations and complementary customs entries.


A proper management of customer funds is vital not only in terms of customer supplier relationships but critical for a smooth handling of the operation that can not end without the importer or exporter aware of the costs incurred and the destiny of their advances and funds. Nuevo Laredo is responsible for controlling advance funds and finance and the invoicing of shipments of Laredo and Nuevo Laredo, there are established billing times of 0-4 days as from the crossing for the delivery of cost accounts to our principals.


Our personnel our most valuable capital
We have highly experienced personnel in the field of customs as well as personnel of the new generations organized in modules for the best attention of our clients. We provide a wonderful work environment that makes them be motivated and commited. In 2008 we added the philosophical principles of the Japanese 5'S methodology to our daily working operation which allows us to have a clean and orderly working environment.


last update February 1st, 2011